The shocking Safoora carnage

Safoora attack has made it clear once again that: no one — absolutely no one — who exists outside the narrow, distorted version of Islam, that these militants cum terrorists promote, is safe in Pakistan.

The brutal attack against the Ismaili community also raises some very grave questions in the context of Karachi and the security policy recently adopted in the city.

Clearly, whatever the state has done over the last 18 months in Karachi, there is no rational expectation that no more terrorist attacks will occur or that all terrorist attacks will be foiled. But there is a sense that this military strategy being pursued in Karachi makes little sense— and that its focus, which seems mostly MQM’s militant elements — is too narrow.

There is literally no concrete action against the extremist mosque, madaris or social welfare networks that are brainwashing some simple-minded people and recruiting them as militants.

Simply breaking up existing cells of militants does little to ensure the next generation of militant cells and groups are not being created.

At some point, the killers would have been taught to believe that the victims were deserving of death for their religious beliefs. As hard as it is to justify, barging into a bus full of members of a particular sect and shooting every single one of them point blank - It is probably the sickest form of human genocide, if they were ever considered humans by their perpetrators.

Simply eliminating armed militants will lead to little long-term success when a vast network of extremism still exists, brainwashing the next generation of jihadis.

Drone strikes and blind bombardment of militant sanctuaries won’t curb extremism, it may give rise to number of people vulnerable to become the next line of Jihadis.

2345 hours
Teusday 19 May 2015

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