Pakistan, just a couple of
days past the International Women’s Day, is slapped with the latest World
Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report for having the second lowest ranking
in the measure of gender-based biases - failing to provide
equal access to women in health, education, economic welfare and politics. And on top of this, came our very Council of
‘Islamic’ Ideology and their 'indispensable' role! They overruled the
provision in Pakistan’s Muslim Family Laws Ordinance of ‘having a wife’s
consent for another marriage’ or ‘marriage of under-eighteen girl being illegal,’
calling the provisions against Sharia.
Thinking of the level of
‘ultimate intellect,’ behind this inference of Maulana Sheerani and his gang of
mullahs, is enough to throw your mind
in disarray. What were they thinking of?
The higher cause of saving the men species from being endangered by their nagging
first wives? Ones who would give an absolute ‘over my (or your) dead body’ reply
to the consent papers for a second marriage? Or they just can’t allow women to grow
into a wise age to decide for a sane husband over a ‘four-women-man (or mullah)?' Or as if booking rape victims under
adultery wasn't enough for these sadist members of Council of ‘Sexist’ Ideology;
they needed a fiasco, at an even bigger scale?
I am unable understand,
for the life of me, why do their actions and statements remain so passive in
the face of killings of innocent people in terrorists attacks, rampant display
of intolerance and corruption that are eating away our very existence? Why
don’t they do as much proactive campaigning for these serious issues, as they
do for their sexist causes?
Whatever their reason for
such an outrageous ruling was, it surely has made it clear, that in a time when
this country is absolutely plagued by the ghastly extremism, ruining all its functions
to the core, what sort of trivial things occupy the minds of our maulvis and the heads of our leading
Islamic institutions.
What a shame!
0112 hours
Thursday 13 March
Just another way to gain popularity to get fame and rating on this blog. I question how much research have you done on "Islam" are you a doctorate or even bachelors in Islamic/Quranic education? If yes, then I accept your opinion. But if NO, then your opinion have no value if you are judging "Islamic orders" Vs "your common sense"
@Owais, maybe not!
But I'm glad I can at least understand the CII don't have Islam in mind when they get ‘more than outspoken’ about any petty thing that gives them a chance to suffocate women further; while they remain mum about non-Islamic traditions strangling women in this country (like honour killings, being outcasts as a divorcee, widow, being given in Swara and as Wani, getting acid burnt, or even burnt alive by in-laws). Not to mention CII silence around the laws governing increasing bigotry in society, corruption, 'stealing' public money or even taxes? These are all crimes punishable by capital punishment (or grossly) in Islam, but CII choose to remain silent on these issues.
What is it if not sexism by them and the vast majority of Pakistanis? I’m sorry, but this way of thinking is not Islamic. It is only based on traditional oppression of women that has been rampant in this region since ages governing to Hindu traditions or Pashtoonwali. They are using Islam only as a name to cover their underlying roots and their efforts to keep their corrupted vested interests intact.
A lie perpetrated over and over again does not amount to truth. But unfortunately under the influence of westernisation women have forgotten your rightful place in the society. In the name of secularism and feminism people have wrecked havoc in the society. What women should remember is that at the end of the day Allah dictates and is not dictated upon. Allahs dictates are not subjective either. Whether you like it or not Quran must be followed. Sharia is the right answer. It is only through Sharia that Pakistan can have a future. CII is a scholarly body which aims for the same. Also people over emphasis too much science and technology in the name of development. One should remember that this science and technology is only very recent( perhaps last 200 yrs) but humanity has been around for thousands and thousands of years without it. Take the example of india, in the name of science all they are doing is sending probes to moon and mars! this has no benefit for humanity whatsoever! USA economy is in trouble in spite of all their science. Pakistan should not fall into this trap. We should follow the teachings of Quran sincerely.
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